My how-to love a family unconditionally, keep up your dreads, read with your eyes closed, and knit without obligation
Saturday, September 5, 2009
reliving the past
I have been fighting *something* ever since we got home from California on Sunday. Not much of my knitting has seen the light of day this week :( I'm just too blah to stay awake for it right now. So, until I am ready to play pick up sticks again, I figured I'd share a few shots of me winding my hanks at a new LYS in Old Town Alexandria, Fibre Space. It's a tactile paradise, abundant with sheer bliss and happiness in the form of fiber! You can't help but paw at every bit of yarn while you're there. And speaking from personal experience, the ideas just pop every time you turn to gaze at another bin of yarn just waiting to become something fabulous!
Cool pictures:)Hugs Darcy